Musicwatch: Dinner

Über Tod, Zerstörung und Mädchen.

Bereits am vergangenen Dienstag haben wir euch ein ganz zauberhaftes Solo-Musikprojekt vorgestellt, dessen Kopf wir vor circa einem Monat bei der Our / Berlin Music Week kennengelernt haben. Dort sind wir noch mit einem anderen Herren ins Gespräch gekommen: Anders Rhedin aka Dinner. Dass wir dank dem aushängendem Timetable im ersten Augenblick wirklich gedacht haben, dass es um 20 Uhr Abendessen gibt, hat glücklicherweise niemand gemerkt. Umso überraschter waren wir dann, als über die Wiese durch die frühe Dunkelheit hindurch Musik zu uns drang, die Assotiationen an die frühen 80er aufrief. Musik, die von einer klaren, etwas zu tiefen Männerstimme untermalt wurde und damit Joy Division- oder auch Nico-Herzen höher schlugen ließ. Dinner kommt aus Kopenhagen, hat eine Zeit lang in L.A. gewohnt, was sich auch in seinem Sound abzeichnet. Hier hat man es mit kalifornisch-skandinavischer Schrammel-Popmusik zu tun, mit nordisch-melancholischem Zerstörungshang und sonnenbeschienener L.A.-Flavour-Mystik. Oder anders herum? Wie auch immer, Dinner klingt irgendwie verträumt und vertraut und das auf eine ganz unvertraute, unlangweilige Art und Weise. Deswegen (und weil er so gut aussieht) habe ich ihm ein paar Fragen über Musik, Mode und Mädchen gestellt. 


When and why have you started making music?

I started making music when I was 14. Mostly I wanted to be as cool as Angus Young from AC/DC and impress the girls at my school.


How would you describe your music? What are your songs about?

They are about death and destruction. One is about girls.


Your first record was “You’re like L.A.”. When and where did you record it and how was it like?

The first EP was recorded in 2 days in Copenhagen. I went into the studio with Jannis from Choir of Young Believers, Cæcilie from CTM and Nikolai from Pre-Be-Un. And I played them some songs. They hadn’t heard any of them before. We improvised in a state of bliss for 2 days and recorded 7 songs. 4 of those where finished by Nicolaj in New York.


Your second EP “Girl” was recorded in Berlin. Are there differences between your first and your second EP, maybe in the way you wrote your songs or recorded it?

Actually, that one was made in CPH. I had a really high fever, I could barely walk. Nicolai was in a weird mood and Jannis had some very serious stuff happening in his life which peaked the night before our recording session began. It was winter, and super, super cold outside.

And then there was Tobias – a drummer we’ve only used that once (but will use again). He’d just gone out of bed after being down for 3 weeks.

We had fights, and where all in a super weird mood. It was freezing indoors since the studio was sort of a shack in a backyard in Copenhagen.

Personally, I find that those strange vibes from that session added a lot of beauty to the recordings.


Is your EP “Girl” about one special girl or is it about all the girls in the world?

About all the girls in the world. The divine feminine.



Do you see yourself as an expert of women or are you just trying to understand them more and catch a little piece from this big divine feminine?

Haha! I wouldn’t call myself an expert. I’m struggling to understand the feminine aspect of life.

I do Qui Gong to balance out my own inner ying and yang struggles.


For our feminine readers: Do you like German girls? And if the answer is “Yes”, what do you like about them?

One aspect of femininity of course is a beautiful woman. It is a representation, a symbol, that speaks to the mind.
But it is just that – a symbol. The true wonder of femininity is an intangible energy, of course.

That being said – I am a big fan of that particular symbol. And I do find German women very beautiful indeed. I had a few drinks with a German baroness the other day and when we spoke English she seemed like a normal (although very beautiful) woman to me. But when she switched to German the energy in the room changed. That language – that energy – is remarkable. It was as if she energetically commanded the entire universe, even though she was just ordering a glass of wine.
That’s what I like about German women in particular – you have some amazing powerful energy going for you. It’s in your language, in your vibe.

Your voice kind of reminds us of Joy Division, The Velvet Underground or the Crystal Stilts. Do you like your voice? Or is it just a logical consequence to sing your songs by your own, because it takes you nearer to your music?

I pretty much sing like shit and for some reason the only way I can sing without it sounding like an off-key Billy Corgan is by using the low range in my voice. If that to some people sound like Ian Curtis, fine by me. I was going more for a transgender Nico, but I’ll take Mr. Curtis as a reference any given day.


Your concerts are very special, affected by a ceremonial spirit. You shove yourself backwards over the ground and it seems like you’re lost in other spaces. Or you just make people sit down and close their eyes. Is it hard for you to let yourself fall like this way? Do you see any ritual aspect in your performances? 

Yes! A good concert should be a ritual. I’m in trance 1 minute into the first song in the set. Whether there are 5 people or 500 people there. It doesn’t matter. I can get into this state with or without and audience – but! If there’s an audience there and I can get them to participate in some way by just creating the tinniest emotional ripple… then that makes me happy.



Do you have any other obsessions except for music?

I’ve meditated daily for 9 years. I do Qui Gong. Another hobby of mine is ritualistic magic. But more from an academic point of view than a practical one. My experiences with manifesting demons and such is limited.
I do like to sit in front of my crystal ball from Lichtenstein and do some serious scrying on Sundays.


Do you care about fashion? Is it a way for carrying your personality to the outside or just a thing you don’t care about actively?

I’m super vain. It is definitely of my egoic traits. Unfortunately, I also have no interest in fashion. Or buying clothes. An annoying paradox I have to fix, somehow. Possibly by marrying a woman who is a designer and who will make me look cool?


Do you like Scandinavian designers like Henrik Vibskov or Han Kjøbenhavn?

Or maybe marry Henrik Vibskov? I don’t know Han Kjøbenhavn. Is he hot?


Do you have a life dream?



What's your favourite place in Copenhagen?

A bar called Åen.



Dinner, Tak for mad. Oder so. Wer die Chance hat, sollte den sympathischen jungen Mann definitiv bei einer seiner Auftritte besuchen und sowieso ab sofort seine Musik hören. 



    Modemädchen durch und durch.
    Minimal Chic und New Sports ist ihr Metier, über Normcore und andere Phänomene der Mode kann sie nickend Romane erzählen und trotz Totalausfall beim Anblick der neuesten Laufstegbilder und Lookbooks ist die Dame nicht auf das Köpfchen gefallen. Lola liebt Kopenhagen und Kafka, hat eine Schwäche für Männermode und Musikhits, ist aber auch für Kunst und Kitsch zu haben.